I was a true believer that cookies had to have some type of chocolate to actually be good. I was so wrong. There are so many flavors, combinations and textures that make cookies so wonderful. These nuts and powdered sugar cookies are a proof of that. A butter cookie, filled with walnuts that is barely baked. Amazing how there are so many desserts that do not need flavors like chocolate at all to be amazing. These walnut cookies are perfect for any time of day but even better paired with a good cup of coffee.

I personally loved making them small, smaller than the ones in the photos and serving them with espressos. You know those tiny sweets that come with your espresso on restaurants? Something like butter cookie, candied orange peel or something like that. Well these cookies are perfect for that. One or two minis on that coffee cup plate. Beautiful right? I also think this is a really good cookie to have when entertaining guests. I live in Ecuador and my family in Paraguay so having a couple of different sweets on hand is crucial. Always have something sweet in the kitchen when you have visitors.

What makes these walnut cookies so special?

Okay, the dough is actually pretty simple. Butter cookie dough. When I was in school the cafeteria had these amazing butter cookies. That flavor has not left my mind in years. Added to that amazing butter cookie dough, the walnuts.

These babies are filled with chopped walnuts. The dough bakes for a little while but the dough has to keep that ball shape. The cookie ball comes out of the oven and a couple of minutes later, once it cools down enough to move with your hands, cover in powdered sugar. That first layer of powdered sugar will create a sweet layer outside of the cookie but because they are still warm it will melt a bit. Once the cookie cools down completely cover it again in powdered sugar. That is the layer that will remain white and fluffy like the ones in the photos. They turn out great! Like snowballs.

Tips for perfect walnut cookies:

The walnuts: Chop them up into smaller pieces. Specially if you are making these walnut cookies very small, make sure the walnuts are chopped into small pieces. Take a look at the photo.

Powdered sugar: Once the cookies are out of the oven, wait for 2 minutes and then carefully cover the cookies in powdered sugar. You want the cookies warm when you cover them with the first layer of sugar to create that layer of sweetness on top. After they cool down completely cover them with a second layer of powdered sugar. This second layer is the one that looks light and fluffy almost like snow over the cookies.

butter walnut cookies with powdered sugar recipe

The size: I recommend making this cookies smaller rather than large like most cookies. These babies are so full of flavor, sweetness and rather heavy ingredients that they don’t need to be so big. The baking time for these cookies is the cookie scoop size. If you want to make them smaller make sure to be extra careful when baking. The smaller the cookie, the faster it bakes.

The butter: In this case, the butter has to be cold. This cold butter and chilled dough will ensure the cookies maintain their shape in the oven.


Bowls: one for the cookie dough, another medium or large for the powdered sugar. If you want to weigh all the ingredients before making the dough, you’ll need a few extra small bowls.

Chopping board: To chop the nuts.

Knife: The one you find the most comfortable to use.

Silicone spatula: To mix the ingredients of the cookie dough. In this case, I don’t think using your hands is best because it will heat up that cold butter.

Plastic wrap: To cover the dough and let it rest in the fridge.

Baking sheet or cookie sheet: To bake the cookies in.

Silicone silpat: OR parchment paper to make sure the cookies don’t stick to the baking sheet.

Yield: 24 Cookies



  • 220 gr Butter
  • 63 gr Sugar
  • 2 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 240 gr Flour
  • 240 gr Chopped walnuts
  • 200 gr powdered sugar ( or however much you need)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Prep powdered sugar on a bowl and place the silpat in the baking sheet.
  2. Mix cold butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. Add vanilla and salt.
  4. Slowly add flour to the mixture, mixing in completely.
  5. Chop all the nuts and add to the dough. Cover the bowl and place it in the fridge for 45 minutes.
  6. Measure the cookie dough balls and shape into a perfect ball.
  7. Place in the oven for 12 to 14 minutes. Cookies have to be barely toasted.
  8. Cool down for 2 minutes and cover completely in powdered sugar.
  9. Let cool completely and cover in another layer of powdered sugar.