As soon as a colder weather comes along, my body ASKS for something warm and filling. I was surprised at how easy making these gnocchi from scratch seemed! Three ingredients, a bit of kneading and READY ,boil it, add some sauce and you are good to go!





Three basic ingredients to start making this delicious plate. There is something great with having such a simple base recipe! You can add a bunch of different flavors and it’s still amazing!


Before we start the actual dough you start by boiling the potatoes. Make sure to wash them really well, and you can peel them or just directly boil them with the skin and take it off afterwards! Start with cool water and add some salt and you potatoes before turning on the heat!

How are we sure our potatoes are ready? Use a fork and pich one of them. If you can go through without any resistance they are done! Turn of the heat and take them out of the water to cool down.

Once they are cooled, mash them! I like to mash the potatoes directly on the kitchen counter and just work with the dough from there. Make sure your mash it lump free. This makes a perfectly pillow of melt in your mouth goodness.


The first step is covered! Boil and mash the potatoes.

Once that is ready, with your hands make a small circle in the middle, kind of like a crown. Add the flour in the middle and make the same hole in the middle again.

Now, in that second hole, we are going to add the egg and a bit of salt! Just like the picture below!

With your hands start mixing by slowly bringing everything to the middle. Slowly adding the flour and mashed potatoes to the egg.

When the mixtures BARELY looks like dough stop kneading! This is very important to help the gnocchi turn out light and airy. Shape the dough to a rectangle and cut in 8 pieces.

Take one of the pieces and slowly start thinning it out until you reach the thickness you want! Kind of like a rope shape (?) Take a knife and cut small squares. Repeat with the rest of the dough.

There are MANY shapes you can use for your Gnocchi! In the picture you can see I decided to keep the kind of square shape and press to the sides and a bit on top to give it a “pillow” shape.

Once you are done with cutting and shaping, boil some water in a BIG pot with some salt. Once the water has reached boiling point, start throwing those beautiful pillows. They will sink to the bottom of the pot at first and after a few seconds rise to the top. That is when you know they are cooked! Take them out of the water and place them in a plate or plan with some olive oil to prevent sticking.


FIRST: Shape it the way you like! After a few youtube videos I found Gordon Ramsay’s quick I think 2 minute tutorial and decided to give it a pillow shape.

SECOND: IF you are planning on serving these babies with a sauce, make it beforehand! As soon as the gnocchi rise you can take them out of the water and finish cooking them right with the sauce.

THIRD: If you want t make the sauce after making the gnocchi, place them somewhere with a bit of olive oil so that they don’t stick to each other and make a big blob of dough.

I loved making this! Great date night idea! Add a bottle of wine and you’ll have so much fun making dinner together! Or, making at home with your family! So much fun!

Yield: 5 Servings




  • 1,100 kg Potatoes
  • 2 1/2 Cups flour (0000)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Tsp Salt


  1. Boil the potatoes with a bit of salt until tender.
  2. Once they are done, let them cool.
  3. Mash the potatoes completely.
  4. Make a small hole in the middle of the mash and add flour, make another hole and add the egg with some salt to the middle.
  5. With your hands, slowly start mixing everything until it looks like dough.
  6. Cut the dough in 6 to 8 pieces.
  7. With your hands, thin out the pieces. Cut in small squares.
  8. Shape the gnocchi the way you prefer.
  9. Boil some water with salt and add the gnocchi. Once they rise remove from the water and add sauce or olive oil before serving!