When I moved to Ecuador, calculating food for two people was one of the things that I struggled with the most in my new wife role. Such nonsense right? Calculating food for two people, Anita, is not that difficult. Well, it was kind of hard me. At the beginning, either I would have food left over for the rest of the week or it was not enough for me and my husband. Specially when making like rice, pasta and stuff. I struggled with sides more than anything. Well, let’s fast forward to today, two years after I moved, the cooking math already comes out without really thinking about it. This sweet potato gnocchi recipe is perfect for when you just moved out of your parents’ house and have to start cooking for one or two. Trust me.

This recipe really is super simple to make. I know that when you read gnocchi from scratch you want to leave the post immediately because it seems like a lot of work. But, I promise that it’s not difficult and you will be able to put together this recipe very quickly. Also, what’s better than a chilly night, or for a dinner with your partner, to be able to make a dish as delicious as homemade sweet potato gnocchi. I love it.

Before I get too excited, let me link a few recipes you might like as well.

Let me know what you think, one to combine with the gnocchi like the board. A small board of bruschetta to snack on with the wine while you make the gnocchi together. And two other recipes that are more or less in style so that you can save them for a future occasion.


Let’s start with our base, sweet potato. Taking advantage of the fact that I have the option, I like to use orange sweet potato. The color, the texture and the flavor, I enjoy it way more than the purple sweet potato. But, this recipe works with both. So, choose the one you like the most or simply the one you find. You’re going to peel that sweet potato and boil it until it completely softens. It’s much easier to peel the sweet potato before boiling it.

Then, to that beautiful mashed sweet potato, we are adding ricotta cheese. This cheese will help our gnocchi become light and almost melt in your mouth. Amazing. And finally, flour. With those three ingredients you are going to make a mega dish. Now, as for the sauce, in order to focus on making this an express dish and really perfect for one serving, I did the simplest thing I could think of. Sweet potato gnocchi with butter. A little further down I leave a couple of things you can do to add flavor.


Seasoning: It’s super important to season all the steps with at least a little bit of salt. In the recipe card I’m going to add some things that I use to season the dough as well. It’s super important that the gnocchi itself has its own flavor, aside from the sauce.

The Ricotta: The first time I tried making this recipe, I added the ricotta right into the sweet potato. There were a few white dots of cheese that I did not like in the dough. So now, what I did was process the ricotta in a food processor with a bit of milk until it was super creamy. Perfect addition to the sweet potato puree.

The shape: The shape you want to give the gnocchi is completely up to you. You can leave them in squares, give them the shape of a ball, or keep them in the classic shape of gnocchi. It’s really up to you. Now, it’s important to say that the less you knead that dough, the better. As soon as you see that it has the texture of a dough, it’s ready and when you shape it the same, as soon as it has the shape you want, that’s it. This way we preserve that softer texture and it does not become a gummy gnocchi.

The sauce: For these sweet potato gnocchi, I didn’t really make a sauce. I’m going to tell you my secret so that they explode with flavor. Once boiled, I like to toast the gnocchi in butter to brown them a little. After that, in this case I served them in a little extra garlic flavored butter. Tell me what sauce you would make for these beautiful sweet potato gnocchi in the comments.


Food processor: To cream the ricotta with a bit of milk.

Bowl: In case you want to make the dough in a bowl. Most of the time, I make them on the counter.

Potato smasher: To puree the sweet potato.

Saucepan: To boil the sweet potato and later on to cook the gnocchi.

Pan: To toast the gnocchi and make the sauce in.

Cutlery: To take the gnocchi out of the water, add ingredients in, etc. Whatever you need to do.

Yield: 1 SERVING




  • 140 gr sweet potato
  • 60 gr ricotta cheese
  • 1 splash of milk
  • 1/2 Cup Flour + extra for counter.
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Fresh rosemary


  1. Peel and cut the sweet potato into smaller pieces. Add to a saucepan with water over high until soft.
  2. Meanwhile, add ricotta cheese and milk to a food processor. Process until creamy.
  3. Add sweet potato to a bowl, and puree them.
  4. Add creamy ricotta to the sweet potato puree and mix in. Add garlic powder, salt and nutmeg. Mix in well.
  5. Add half of the flour and mix in before adding the rest. Knead until barely dough like.
  6. Shape the gnocchi.
  7. Add water to the saucepan and place over high heat until it boils. Add gnocchi and cook them in there for about a minute after they rise from the bottom of the pan.
  8. Once they are ready, melt a bit of butter on a pan and toast them for a couple of minutes. In that same pan, add more butter, a garlic clove cut in half and some rosemary. Stir slowly until everything is covered in that butter.
  9. Take the garlic and rosemary out before serving.