I you already know me or have read a couple of other recipes of mine, you know I am a FAN of desserts and plates that combine sweet and savory components in it. This is specially true in desserts. Most of dessert recipes, include a pinch or a teaspoon of salt. This small amount of salt cuts the complete sweetness a bit and enhances flavors as well. This is true in cookies and cakes for example. In this case, these salted caramel blondies combine the sweet and salty flavors completely. You can completely taste the salty in the caramel en the sweet in everything else.

Let’s start from the beginning. What is a blondie? A lot of people confuse blondies with white chocolate brownies. The white chocolate brownie is called just that, white chocolate brownie. Blondies are more like a goey cookie, kind of.

You can also add anything you like to blondies. Add chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, nuts, white oreos, and like in this recipe, Salted caramel!


Blondie dough: This is a pretty easy dough to make. You do not need to mix it as much, almost like a brownie. Once the dough is ready you can bake half of it for a couple of minutes, add the caramel and the rest of the dough or just bake everything at the same time. The blondie in the photo is made by adding everything at once and baking. This way, the caramel blends in and gives and extra boom of flavor to every bite.

The Caramel: Salted caramel can be easy to ake. It does have a couple of tricks and it is important to follow the recipe as it is. Also, before you start making it, measure or weigh your ingredients and have them all ready to go. It comes together fast. This tip really makes it so much easier. You can also make the blondies with dude de leche but it is not the same. Salted caramel has that salty taste that just combines so well with this recipe. On the other hand, dulce de leche, just adds more sweetness to the dessert. I recommend making the recipe with salted caramel and when you are eating or serving it, add some dulce de leche or vanilla ice-cream.


salted caramel blondies

The dough: Like I mentioned before, placing everything together, the first half, the salted caramel and the second half together in the oven at once makes everything mix together. The dough absorbs the caramel completely and that strong flavor and sweetness transforms into one.

The caramel: I recommend making the caramel first, before the blondie dough. If you keep the salted caramel in the fridge, it hardens a bit. So, if you are going to make it beforehand, keep it in the fridge and heat it up for a few seconds in the microwave. Heat it up 20 to 30 seconds at a time. Move it around a bit and place it in the microwave again until its liquid again.

Cutting: To get perfect squares, I have a tip for you. First, you have to wait for it to completely cool down. Next, you will have to get it out of the baking dish whole. To be able to do that, use some parchment paper on the bottom. Once they are completely cooled down, pour a tall glass of hot water. Just like when the ice cream is really frozen. Have a clean towel and a large knife at hand. Heat the knife in the hot water, dry it off with the towel and cut the salted caramel blondies right there. Remember to clean the knife between cuts so that the lines are clean and straight.


Bowls: a big bowl for the blondie dough. If you are going to follow my tip for salted caramel you should use a few smaller bowls as well to have every ingredient measures and ready.

Saucepan: A medium saucepan for the salted caramel. I does not have to be too big or too small. If its too big the process will be much quicker.

Whisk: The last step for the caramel calls for a whisk.

Baking dish: Find a glass or ceramic baking dish. I used a rectangular glass dish.

Parchment paper: To be ale to get out the entire blondie easily in order to cut into squares.

Silicone spatula: To mix the blondie, and helps when pouring the dough.

Oven and microwave also in case you have to reheat the caramel.





  • 1 1/2 Cups melted butter 
  • 3 Cups brown sugar 
  • 3 Eggs 
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 2 1/2 Cups flour 
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • 1 Salted caramel recipe (Link above) 


  1. Start by making the salted caramel following the instructions