This is such a perfect add on to so many desserts. The perfect combination of sweetness and that salty flavor at the end. Salted caramel is a combination of sugar, butter, heavy cream and salt. how can I put that amazing flavor in words? You know what, just try this super easy recipe and you tell me.


Measure everything before you start: If I am a bit annoying with this in most of my posts, believe me now, you need to do this. It’s very important to weigh all the ingredients and have them ready to go for this recipe. When working with heated sugar, everything goes pretty quickly. You don’t want it to burn. So, weigh the butter, measure the heavy cream and salt. Add all these ingredients to different bowls and keep them close.

Stirring: When you start the salted caramel, you can kind of move it a bit with the help of a whisk or spatula. Once you’ve added the butter do not touch the mixture. Stirring in this momento could cause the sugar tu crystalize and it would be ruined. If you feel like it needs to be moved a bit, pick the saucepan up just a bit and tilt it from side to side.

Storing: To store the salted caramel, pour it into a glass container with a lid and keep in the fridge.

Reheating: When storing in the fridge, the caramel with harden up a bit. If you want it to become liquid again you have to heat it a bit. Place the glass container in the microwave in 20 second intervals until you reach the desired consistency.

Heavy Cream: Very carefully, add the heavy cream to the sugar mixture. It tends to bubble up a lot and can burn you. Add the cream and a few second later, with a whisk, stir it in until it completely goes back down.


These are a few of my combination ideas for this delicious salted caramel.

Cookies: You can stuff cookies with it. For cookies, I recommend using the caramel when it is cold. This will give you more control over everything. You can make perfect balls and cover that with the cookies dough before baking. Try these recipes:

Cake Truffles: What are cake truffles? Truffles made from cake scraps basically with some type of milk mixed into it. I make mine stuffed with dulce de leche or something like that. Take a look:

Cakes: Use it in fillings, decoration, mixed in with buttercream.

Brownies and blondies: Pour some salted caramel in the middle and cover with the rest of the batter. Great combinations!


Saucepan: You will need a medium to large saucepan. You want your caramel well spread in the sausepan, not thinly spread but not crowding a small pan either. This way, you avoid burning the bottom while the top is still uncooked.

Bowls: Small bowls for the ingredients. Weigh them, measure them and have them ready to use.

Measures: Scale and cup measures for all the ingredients.

Whisk: You will use a whisk at the very end of the recipe.

Glass container: To store the gorgeous salted caramel you just made.




  • 1 Cup sugar
  • 1/2 Cup water
  • 100 gr butter
  • 1/2 Cup heavy cream
  • 1 tsp Salt


  1. Add sugar and water to a sauce pan and place over medium heat.
  2. Let the sugar completely dissolve in the water. Around 3 to 4 minutes.
  3. Add butter in slices and let them melt. Mix a little bit, slowly.
  4. Cook mixture fro around 10 minutes or until golden brown.
  5. Turn the heat off and add the cream. Be carefull, it bubbles a lot.
  6. Carefully, using the whisk, mix in the cream.
  7. Add salt and mix in as well
  8. Store in a glass container.