How great is the brigadeiro, right? With just two ingredients as base you can create an infinite amount of different flavors. You can combine flavors, textures and even use it as a filling for whatever dessert you want. I declare myself a fan. Since I started cooking desserts, fudge or brazilian brigadeiros really caught my attention. I mean why not? Just a few ingredients, even fewer steps and an incomparable texture and flavor. In addition to making them only as fudge balls (?), there are thousands of different ways that you can make with this recipe. The “palha italiana” is incredible, use them as a filling for cakes or tarts, the absolute best too. Today, though, we will talk about this passion fruit brigadeiro.

This particular recipe is great because it is super fresh. Even though the base ingredient is sweetened condensed milk, the passion fruit is so fresh that they go together so well.

Before I continue with this super recipe, let me link some brigadeiro recipes that I can say are my favorites.


Most of my posts include a section where I talk about parts of the recipe but this brigadeiro is so simple that it has no specific parts to break it down and talk about. So, let’s talk about what makes it so delicious. The passion fruit is a very funny. I did not know that you were supposed to eat the seeds until I made this recipe. The truth is that I still don’t understand what my logic was to justify those little black dots in passion fruit desserts, if they weren’t the seeds. But hey, I do know now. The first thing you are going to do is process that fruit pulp with the seeds until you see that the seeds are broken down into tiny pieces.

That juice will become the flavor of our brigadeiros. Aside from that delicious juice, we are going to use sweetened condensed milk and an egg yolk to give the mixture stability. This technique of using a yolk so that the brigadeiros maintain their shape is a tip that my mother-in-law gave me. Since all of her family, on her mother’s side is from Brazil, she is the most equipped to teach me these unconventional tips for desserts. So, those are the three elements that make these brigadeiros so good. As decoration or to finish the brigadeiro, we are going to cover them in plain sugar, nothing else.


The brigadeiro: Knowing when the brigadeiro is ready, is super simple. First, you have to stir it constantly. You will feel it thicken as time goes by. It is also important to be super patient and not turn up the heat even if it seems like it never cooks. When you see your mixture thicker, you are going to raise the saucepan from the heat and put it on its side, just as if you were going to pour onto something (but don’t spill, hehe). If the dough detaches itself from the base and pools on the side that is down, your brigadeiro is ready.

Cooling: When letting this passion fruit brigadeiro cool, the important thing is that the plastic wrap has to touch the mixture. As soon as your brigadeiro is ready, transfer it to a plate or bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and with your hands press it down a little so that it is touching the entire surface of the mixture. Be careful, because it is most likely still hot.

Shaping it: First, I recommend using either a teaspoon measure or a kitchen scale to make sure all the brigadeiros are the same size. Another thing, so that the brigadeiro doesn’t stick to your hands, before you start shaping it, spread a little butter on your palms and fingers.


Food processor: A small one or even a blender works perfectly. Make sure to break down the seeds to smaller pieces before adding to the brigadeiro.

Saucepan: To cook the brigadeiro in.

Silicone spatula: To stir the brigadeiro constantly.

Plate: To let the brigadeiro cool down.

Plastic wrap: To cover the brigadeiro before placing in the fridge to cool down.

Knife: To cut small pieces of butter to spread onto your hands when shaping the brigadeiros.

Bowl: One for the sugar that covers the brigadeiros.

Yield: depends on the size you decide to make them




  • 1 Can sweetened condensed milk (397ml)
  • 1 Egg yolk
  • Processed passionfruit juice from 1 1/2 fruits
  • Sugar for decoration.


1. Add condensed milk, passion fruit juice and egg yolk to a sauce pan. Mix well.

2. Place pan over low heat and stir constantly until it thickens and when placing the pan on the side the whole mixture pools down without help.

3. Place on a plate and cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge to cool completely.

4. Shape into balls and cover in sugar.