I can’t tell you how much I’ve looked for a healthier version of the classic chocolate chip cookie, well any cookie really. I believe chocolate chip cookies are my absolute favorite in the world. I’ve tried making changes to make it healthier, but they ended up so horrible. The first recipes for healthier chocolate chip cookies I made were absolutely horrible to be completely honest. The flavor was only of peanut butter, it was never sweet enough or it had too much sweetener so it tastes horrible. Another problem I had with the cookie was the texture. The dry texture of most healthy or fit recipes is just horrible in my opinion. But yeah, that is what I kept making.

After a couple of recipes went wrong, I gave up. I did not want to try anything new to try and make this recipe better, or anything that had to do with healthy cookies. A few months went by and then, with a couple of healthy recipes that turned out good, my confidence went up. I got really excited again and immediately went to the grocery store to find everything I needed to make this healthy cookie. When I got home, it was go time. I tried two different cookie doughs which were pretty similar. The differences between these two dough were small, mainly in the choice of flour. One of the cookie doughs turned out horrible, a dry and hard stone cookie. BUT, the other dough, came out a soft, thin chocolate chip cookie that melts in your mouth. It wasn’t what I was looking for initially but they were so good I decided to share the recipe anyway.


Let it rest: This cookie recipe needs a little time to rest and cool down before you bake it. This helps to maintain the shape and so it doesn’t thin out too much.

The oven: Make sure to turn your oven in the setting were you get heat coming from the bottom and the top. If the heat only comes from the bottom, the cookie could be burnt on the bottom before it even finishes baking on the top. On the other hand, if it only has heat coming from the top, the cookie could spread out too much. So, remember, heat coming from the bottom and the top. Also, place the oven rack in the middle!

The dough: This dough doesn’t have secrets, just mix everything in, let it rest for half an hour and bake it! Ease peasy.

healthy chocolate chip cookie almond flour

The size of the cookies: I use a cookie scoop to measure out my cookies so they all come out the same size. It looks just like an ice-cream scoop, only smaller. Once you place them in the baking pan, or cookie sheet, remember to leave a couple of inches between each cookie. The cookie melts down, even if you place it in the oven cold. Leave a space between each dough ball so that they don’t stick together when baking.

Oat flour: If you can’t find oat flour, I have a tip for you. Buy regular oats and place them in a blender or food processor. Blend it until you get a flour texture and you are done! If you want it to be extra thin, pass it through a strainer and blend or process those pieces that don’t go through.


Bowl: You will need a medium or large bowl for the healthier chocolate chip cookie dough. If you want to follow my constant tip (Find it on other recipes) of measuring every ingredient before you start baking, you will need a few smaller bowls as well. Also, a small bowl to melt or softer the coconut oil in.

Spoon: Or silicone spatula, whatever you find the most comfortable for mixing the cookie dough. You can always use your and as well!

Plastic wrap: Before placing the bowl un the fridge, cover it with plastic wrap so it stays fresh and delicious!

Parchment paper: Use parchment paper on your cookie sheet so that the cookies don’t stick to it. You can also use a little bit of melted coconut oil as well. Spread it evenly before placing your cookies.

Cookie scoop: Or a spoon that you can use to measure the cookie dough.

Measures: Cup and tablespoon measures for all the cookie ingredients.

Yield: 24-27 Cookies



  • 7 Tbsp coconut oil (softened) 
  • 2/3 cup coconut sugar 
  • 1 egg 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 1/4 Cup almond flour
  • 1 Cup oat flour 
  • 2 tsp cornstarch 
  • 1 tsp baking powder 
  • 1 pinch of salt 
  • 2/3 Cup chocolate chips 


  1. Add coconut oil and coconut sugar to the bowl. Mix well.
  2. Add egg and vanilla, mix well again.
  3. Add oat flour, almond flour, baking powder, cornstarch and salt. Slowly mix in.
  4. Finally, add chocolate chips. Mix well.
  5. Cover the bowl and place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 350 F
  6. Separate the dough into same sized balls and bake for 7 minutes.