Sunday mornings at my house almost always went the same. A tiny version of myself and my sisters would silently run up to my parent’s room. We would wear princess pjs and with our hair still a mess from the night. We would slowly open the door and walk up to our dad. There, we would “whisper” to each other to see which one of us had to wake him up. With little chubby fingers, we spread his eyes open and asked for breakfast.

So, he gets up and reaches for the red Winnie the Pooh notebook before marching down to the kitchen with a line of tiny girls following him. We “helped” him get all the ingredients and in a bowl the size of our whole kitchen he made the pancake batter. As soon as we started cooking the pancakes, my mom would join also in pjs and with her hair a mess.

This was our sunday routine. The only times we changed anything was when we slept over at my grandma’s house. Which only meant she would make the pancakes for us instead of our dad!

It was always the same, wake him up, help with the ingredients, watch him actually make them, share the first pancake “to make sure they taste good”.

Today, I feel like these pancakes represent just that! Lazy Sunday mornings wearing pjs and having so much fun with my family. Also, they taste AMAZING.


This is an easy to make, quick recipe, that comes together in two minutes!

Cook the pancakes as soon as the batter is ready: This recipe has a lot of baking powder and we want that powder to be extremely active when cooking it. So as soon as you get the batter ready, cook the pancakes so they turn out fluffy and thick.

Don’t over mix: Leave a few lumps in the batter, not too many, but don’t mix it too much. This also helps to make them extra thick and fluffy.

Butter the pan: Every three or four pancakes, add a bit of extra butter to the pan. Just a pinch to avoid sticking the pancakes to the pan.

When to flip them: As soon as the edges change color a bit, loose a bit of brightness and the batter starts to bubble up, carefully flip it. Cook it for a few extra seconds and you’re done.


Bowl: A big bowl, you just need one!

Whisk: Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix the batter until barely together. Remember to leave a few lumps!

Spoon: I normally use an ice-cream scoop, the size is perfect!

Spatula: Use a spatula that is big enough to carefully flip them without “spilling” batter to the sides.

Pan: Use a medium sized pan to have room to flip the pancakes comfortably.


Syrup: The classic pancakes with a bit of butter and a LOT of maple syrup.

Chocolate chips: You can add them to the batter or just before flipping them. Eat with extra chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

Fruits: fresh fruit like blueberries, strawberries or apples and cinnamon, whatever you want! Also, once you’ve cooked everything, add them on top with a bit of honey.

Fillings: Add a tbsp of nutella in the center. Add a bit of batter to the pan, the nutella and cover with a bit of extra batter before flipping it.

Do you have more ideas? Let me know in the comments below!

Yield: Around 10 pancakes




  • 1 1/2 Cup all purpose flour 
  • 3 Tbsp Melted Butter
  • 3 1/2 Tsp Baking powder 
  • 1 Tsp salt 
  • 2 Eggs 
  • 1 1/4 Cup Milk


  1. Add dry ingredients to a bowl. Mix well.
  2. Make a small hole in the center and add butter, eggs and milk. Mix until barely together. (remember to leave a few lumps!)
  3. Place the pan on medium/low heat and add a bit of butter to the center.
  4. Place a bit of batter and cook until bubbles come up and the edges turn a bit let bright. Flip and cook for a few more seconds. Don't press the pancake.
  5. Enjoy warm and with the topping you like the most!