This dulce de leche brownie sandwich was my bestseller. I say “was” because I use to sell desserts when I lived in my hometown. This was the one I enjoyed making the most and the crowd’s favorite as well. These brownie sandwiches are an extremely simple dessert to make. A combination of the classic chocolate flavor with dulce de leche is just the best, a complete crowd pleaser. This dessert is everything that is good.

I love alfajores, a sandwich cookie with any type of filling. In this case, I decided to change the cookie for a moist and soft brownie. My favorite alfajor of all time is a couple of soft cookies with a dulce de leche filling and covered in merengue. It is honestly out of this world. I say that is my favorite but I really do love them all, even that really simple one you can find in supermarkets from where I live. That being said, I believe that the only way to make an alfajor better is to change up the cookie for a super moist brownie.

Before I continue with this amazing recipe, I’ll link a few other recipes you might find interesting as well.


First, let’s talk about the base of this recipe, the brownie. To make these brownie sandwiches, we need to bake the brownies a bit thinner than we normally would. Ideally you would bake it in a cookie sheet that has the sides elevated to maintain the batter in. Once the brownie is ready and it has cooled down completely, using a cookie cutter, you will cut out as much as you can. Keep reading and in the tips, I’ll explain how to use as much brownie as you can. That said, there is no way to avoid some left overs. Use those amazing, fudgy brownie leftovers and mix them together turning them into truffles. I filled them with some dulce de leche and covered them in chocolate. An amazing way not to throw away that extra brownie. You can also make an ice cream sunday with those tiny pieces. Yum.

On the other hand, we have the filling. I used dulce de leche. There is no better combination than brownie and dulce de leche, trust me. A few other filling options include, chocolate ganache or nutella for example. This part is up to you really. Finally, for decoration, I used a bit of powdered sugar sprinkled on top. You can cover them in chocolate, add a few chocolate lines on top making a design of some sort or just leave them natural. Whatever you can come up with.


The brownie: I recommend making the brownie on a baking sheet. You make a whole batch a bit thinner than you normally would and with a cookie cutter make the lids for the alfajor. If you want to use ALL the brownie, I recommend cutting it into squares. On another note, remember that since you are making this brownie much thinner than you normally would, it bakes much faster. 15 minutes in the oven and it’s ready. Stay vigilant for the oven and if you see the brownie half done with a knife or nail stick it in the center and if it comes out almost clean, it’s ready.

The shapes: In order for the brownie to have that mega moist look but hold its shape perfectly, you have to wait for the brownie to cool completely before cutting it. This is going to make it super easy for you to get the shapes out of the brownie sheet and make sure the edges look nice.

brownie bites filled with dulce de leche or chocolate ganache easy recipe.

The filling: If you are going to fill them with dulce de leche, make sure it is the pastry kind because it tends to hold it’s shape better. The normal dulce de leche, most of the time is very liquid for alfajores. Now, always look for the one you enjoy the most. That is actually the most important thing, the flavor of that dulce de leche.


Bowl: One for the brownie batter. The brownie recipe is pretty simple and you can make it entirely in one bowl.

Measures: Cups, tablespoons and a kitchen scale for all the ingredients in the recipe.

Pipping bag: This is not absolutely necessary but it makes adding the dulce de leche or the filling you need much easier. You can also just spread it a bit using a knife.

Baking pan: Use baking pan with higher sides so that the brownie batter does not spill on the sides. Remember not to make the brownie too thin either.

Silicone silpat: Or parchment paper so that the brownie does not stick.

Cookie cutter: I used a heart shaped cookie cutter but you can find the shape you like the most.

Silicone spatula: To stir the brownie batter and pour everything into the baking pan.

Yield: 30 alfajores




  • 140 gr Butter
  • 300 gr Sugar
  • 75 gr cacao powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 60 to 80 gr flour
  • 1 splash vanilla extract
  • Dulce de leche


  • 100 gr heavy cream
  • 100 gr semisweet chocolate


  • Powdered sugar
  • Extra chocolate.


1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Add butter, cacao powder, and sugar to a bowl. Place in the microwave for 1 minute.

2. Mix well and place in the microwave for 1 extra minute.

3. Take it out, mix well again for a couple of second until the temperature of the mixture comes down.

4. Add eggs one by one, mixing in well between each one. Add vanilla extract.

5. Add flour, and salt to the mixture, mix in slowly.

6. Pour into a previously prepared baking pan and bake for around 10 minutes. Stick a knife or toothpick in the middle and if it comes out almost clean, its ready.

7. Let the brownie cool down completely and cut out the shapes.

8. Add dulce de leche or ganache as filling between two pieces of brownie and decorate as you like.


1. Add heavy cream to a bowl. Heat in the microwave or on a saucepan in the stove. When bubbles start to come up on the sides, take it out of the heat.

2. Add chopped chocolate and stir until smooth.

3. Place in the freezer for at least 1 hour. Once it looks stiff take it out and using an electric mixer mix until light and fluffy.