There are recipes that seem so easy that you think you have to know how to make it just because. Out of nowhere, just because you ate that food all your life, you have to know how to do it. This mashed potatoes recipe is a perfect example. There is nothing like your mom’s or grandma’s mashed potatoes. Right? For me at least, there is nothing like the mashed potatoes my grandmother makes for Saturday family lunches and thanksgiving. Honestly, I could just eat the mashed potatoes alone. So good. In addition to every Saturday, it was a classic of every year for Thanksgiving dinner and christmas lunch. It truly is the best side dish ever.

Since Thanksgiving is now approaching and I am currently living far from my family, I gave myself the task of making thanksgiving dinner. Normally those dinners in my family were among many family members. In recent years that number of people has been shrinking and each time thanksgiving has become more special. Now, that I am living in another country, I celebrate it with my husband, just the two of us. This recipe is the mashed potato recipe you will use forever. I promise.

Before I keep talking about this recipe, I’ll link a few other recipes you might find interesting as well.

What do you think about these recipes? Perfect for any thanksgiving menu or a special dinner or lunch menu. Let me know in the comments which recipe you’d add to your dinner menu.


Why do I say parts? Because mashed potatoes are not just that, potatoes smashed with nothing else. I used to think that when I was a little girl. I thought they were just boiled and mashed potatoes. To make that potato into an almost delicious cream you need a few more ingredients. We’re going to use a combination of heavy cream and milk with a little bit of butter. That is the basic combination. From there, the flavor you want to add is up to you. For example, I am a fan of garlic. For me, mashed potatoes are the perfect base for strong flavors like garlic, roasted garlic, or truffle for example. Have you tried the mashed potatoes with truffle oil yet? Absolutely amazing.


mashed potatoes recipe for at home dinners thanksgiving and christmas.

Boil the potatoes: I recommend boiling potatoes with their skin. That way you can make sure they don’t absorb as much moisture. You can also make them with the skins. They turn out looking great and delicious as well.

Mashing: There are people that recommend making mashed potatoes in a food processor. This could leave your potatoes a bit on the thinner side. I recommend using a potato masher and doing it by hand. The texture is perfect.

Add ons: The add ons that make this recipe really creamy are heavy cream, milk and butter. You’ll add them one by one and in small quantities. This way you can control the texture.


Large pot: To boil the potatoes, you’ll also make the rest of the recipe in this.

Peeler: To peel the potatoes once they’re soft.

Potato masher: To puree the boiled potatoes.

Measures: Cups, tablespoon and a kitchen scale.

Spoon: Wooden, plastic or a silicone spatula to stir everything.

Yield: 4 - 5 PEOPLE




  • 1 kgs potatoes
  • 3 tablespoons salted butter
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/3 Cup heavy cream
  • 3/4 Cup whole milk


1. Clean the potatoes thoroughly.

2. Boil the potatoes until soft. Take them out of the water and get rid of the water.

3. Once the potatoes are cold, peal and mash them back in the pot.

4. Turn the heat on to medium. 1 tbsp of butter, milk and heavy cream. Stir to combine.

5. Repeat the process until mashed potatoes reach the texture you want.