The real name for this particular dessert is actually Palha Italiana. A brazilian dessert with portuguese and italian influences. Ever since I tried the churro brigadeiro, I’ve been completely in love. The creaminess of the dulce de leche, the crunchy sugar and the combination of flavors. Just perfect. I have to be honest, this dessert appeared on my instagram a couple of weeks ago. A sponsored post from a bakery somewhere in brazil. They had a couple of different flavors, which I plan on trying as well. That is how i got the idea to make my favorite flavor of brigadeiro, add some vanilla cookies and in a bigger size. Amazing right? The perfecto churro fudge.

So what exactly is the palha italiana? Brazilian brigadeiro with vanilla cookies mixed in, covered in sugar.


Starting with the brigadeiro or the actual fudge. In this case we made a dulce de leche brigadeiro. Find the dulce de leche you enjoy the most, don’t worry about the consistency. You cook the mixture until it completely separates from the bottom of the pan. That’s when you know it is ready for the cookies.

The next part of this beautiful dessert is the cookies. I used simple vanilla cookies, no filling, and so perfect for this dessert. Most of the time, when making this dessert this is the kind of cookies you use.

Finally the sugar. Since we want this to taste like churros, mix in some cinnamon into the white sugar. Cover the entire square and you get the most perfect churro flavored fudge.


The fudge: In order to get a perfect brigadeiro, the first thing you are doing is add all the ingredients to a saucepan. This part cooks over very low heat. The lowest heat you can manage. This is so that the bottom of the mixture doesn’t burn while the top is still pretty liquid. You have to stir constantly as well. Finally, in order to see if it is ready, tilt the saucepan to the side and if the entire mixture just separates from the bottom its done.

Dulce de leche: There are a couple of recipes in which I recommend finding a thick dulce de leche. In this case, just find the one you like the most. Because you are cooking the dulce de leche with the condensed milk, you don’t need to worry about the consistency before.

Patience: I am actually laughing while I write this part because I am the most anxious and impatient person ever. Brigadier turns pretty liquid before turning creamy and thick. So, trust the process and keep stirring on very low heat. It will get there. So be patient and this churro fudge will turn out amazing.

The cookies: In order to make this dessert, in theory, you have to add the cookies to the saucepan once the fudge is done. Mix them in until completely covered and then pour onto the ceramic or glass dish you want. I did not make it that way. I wanted to make this layer by layer. So, a layer of fudge, a layer of cookies, repeated that one more time and covered it with the extra fudge or brigadeiro.


Medium saucepan: To make the brigadeiro in.

A glass or ceramic dish: a 10 inch by 6 inch pan is what I used. Remember, when the dish is bigger, the churro fudge squares will turn out thinner.

Wooden spoon or silicone Spatula: In this case, I prefer using the spatula because that way I can make sure everything in the pan is moving.

Parchment paper: Or aluminum paper. This is to place in the dish before pouring the fudge in. It makes taking it out easier.

Knife: A large knife so that it is comfortable when cutting the squares. Heat up the knife on hot water before cutting the squares as well. IT makes it easier to slice perfectly.

Plastic wrap: Cover the dish before placing in the fridge to rest. This is to maintain a fresher flavor.

Bowl: A medium or small bowl to place the cinnamon and sugar in.

Measures: A few tablespoon measures will do for this recipe.

Yield: 12 squares




  • 1 Can sweetened condensed milk 
  • 3 tbsp (overflowing) dulce de leche 
  • 2 Tbsp salted butter 
  • 1/3 Package vanilla cookies 
  • 1/3 cup sugar 
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon 


  1. Add condensed milk, dulce de leche and butter to a saucepan and place over low heat.
  2. Stir contantly until, whne tilting the pan to the side the mixture separates from the bottomg completely.
  3. Add in the cookies and mix well. Brake some of the appart before adding.
  4. Place the parchment paper on the ceramic or glass dish you will use and pour the entire mixture.
  5. Press down until it covers everything and you get a smoother top.
  6. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge.
  7. When completely cooled, take out and cut into 12 squares.
  8. Mix sugar with cinnamon and cover all the squares completely.