This wrap is a great option for any day of the week.

There are always leftovers at my house. Bit of chicken here, or some avocado left from breakfast. Stiff that just stays hidden in the back of my fridge until I remember i have them or they go bad and we have to throw them away.

This wrap comes as a solution to that issue. A bit of grilled chicken, a bit of avocado and a few other ingredients make this an amazing delicious lunch of dinner that comes together in just a couple of minutes.

Now, I’m not saying you can only make this with leftovers. I will add the extra steps in the recipe card to make everything from scratch.


Knives: A few knives for the chicken, the avocado, and almost every ingredient in the recipe.

Plate: or a cutting board to put together the wrap before heating it up.

Cutting board: Use a cutting board to chop and prepare all the ingredients!

Pan: Once you’ve put the wrap together, what you want to do is heat it up for a couple of minutes with a touch of butter to give it extra flavor and texture.


Putting it together: First, don’t fill the tortilla too much, you want to be able to completely close the wrap. Second, place all the ingredients to one side, not in the center. This way, as you roll the wrap you can close the sides at the same time to that it is completely closed. and finally, the side that closes the wrap is the first side you want to place on the pan with the butter so that it doesn’t break or open back up.

Toasting: Add a bit of butter to the pan on media/low heat. Remember, just a bit of butter. The goal is to toast the sides and melt the cheese inside the wrap. Place it on the pan and toast for around one minute per side.

Sour cream: I used a variation of sour cream, if you want to make the recipe a bit lighter you can switch it for greek yogurt. Since we are going to add a few chives to the sour cream or yogurt, it becomes full of flavor. You can choose either one.

Prep: The great thing about this wrap recipe is that it comes together in a couple of minutes. To make everything easier for you, and to make it quicker, prep all the ingredients first. Once that is ready, make the wrap!

Cheese: I like using shredded cheese for this kind of recipes. The recipe doesn’t call much cheese so using shredded cheese helps you control portions as well. You can use sliced cheese as well, it doesn’t change the flavor or texture of the wrap.

The tortilla: Use a large tortilla, the biggest one you can find, so that you can fit a lot of ingredients in each wrap.

Yield: 4 wraps




  • 4 Large tortillas 
  • 3/4 Cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 Cup sour cream 
  • 3 tbsp chives 
  • 2 Small avocados or 1 medium one 
  • 400 gr grilled chicken 
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • Butter
  • Olive Oil 


  1. Start by seasoning the chicken with salt and pepper. You can also add italian seasining or oregano if you want. Grill. Cut is small squares.
  2. Mix the sourcream with the chives and let rest for a couple of minutes.
  3. Cut the avocado in small squares as well of smash it. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Place some mozzarella cheese on the tortilla, to the side. Add chicken on top, sourcream mixture and avocado on top of the chicken.
  5. Start rolling the wrap, holding the sides while you do so it looks like a burrito once its done.
  6. Heat the pan with a bit of butter.
  7. Place the wrap on the pan and heat it for a minute on each side.