A few days back, my parents and sisters visited me and my husband in Quito, Ecuador. There is so much to see and experience in this country, we took them to so many different places, I think they are going to need a vacation from this vacation. One of the day trips we planned was to visit the Cotopaxi Volcano. The National park where this volcano is found is a couple of hours away from my house. The first time I was here, I was simple in awe of how beautiful it is. Huge trees everywhere, the gigantic volcano in the back, a lake, amazing! The park has a camping area and a picnic area where you can stay and have something to eat. When we were planning this trip I came up with a great idea to make a charcuterie box for lunch.

Since we had a couple of hours in the car to get there, I decided to make it in a box so it could arrive in one piece.

It was a complete success! We got to the tallest area you could go to in your car, parked and opened this gorgeous charcuterie box and a few sandwiches. Everybody loved it and we ate almost all of it. Also, we were all full when we were done.

I share this experience because I thought it was such a great idea for picnics or outdoor activities.


I bought the box at a birthday decoration store. It was a regular white box. I found it best to find a sturdy cardboard box for this because you want everything to stay in its place.

So, we had visitors, but I had to make the box sometime and the day of the trip we were going to leave really early. Between having breakfast and getting seven people ready to leave I would not have time to make this as pretty as I wanted to. So, the night before, while we were having a few drink in the apartment, I made the charcuterie box. I loved to be able to spend the time with my family while making this gorgeous board and it looked perfect the next day.

Why am I telling you all this? So that you know, you can make the box a day before! Just cover it well and keep it in the fridge. I do not recommend making it many days before because this makes everything taste the same. The stronger tasting cheeses overpower everything. The thing about boards or boxes like these is to be able to enjoy the different flavors and combinations and textures in them.

If you are going to use fruits in your board or box like the ones in the photos, and you want to make it the night before, make sure to add some lemon juice. Lemon juice in fruits helps them stay fresh and not turn brown.


Board or cardboard box: To make the charcuterie picnic box I recommend looking for a sturdy cardboard box. If you are going to make this for something at home or somewhere where transporting won’t be a hazard you can make it in a wooden board or ceramic plate.

Parchment paper: Specially if you are going to make it in a box, add some to the bottom, the base.

Knives: To cut and crumble the cheeses and charcuterie giving them the shape we are looking for.

Spoons: For the jams or honey.

Extra Cutlery: Like small spoons and spreading knives to eat comfortably.



The first thing you will make is step up your box or board. Add some parchment paper to the bottom. Always make sure its completely clean before starting.

After that, add the bowls where you will add the jams. In this case I used fig jam and a fruity jam I got as a gift. The fig jam goes well with the camembert cheese. But, don’t add them just yet! Just place the bowls to see the spacing, the jams or honey go at the end.


After the board or box is ready, star with the bigger cheeses. We are using whole round camembert for this box. Cut it in half and then cut those pieces in half as well. Make an X cut. Place these pieces in one of the corners of the box near the bowl, leaving some space between each triangle, still making a circle shape.

After that, between those two bowls we placed at first. On the other side of the camembert, place the entire block of blue cheese. This cheese breaks down easily. Using a knife, roughly break it into pieces leaving them inside the block but coming out a little bit. Don’t take them out too much.

The last cheese you add is the parmesan. This is a hard cheese. So, cut it in slices first and then cut the slices in half to get small squares. Add the squares around the other bowl. Look at the photos for reference!


Start with meats! The first is Salame. Get a package that brings big, thin slices. Cut one slice in half and place both halves in the same direction with the sides barely touching. Roll the two halves to make a small rose. Repeat with the rest of the salame and place the little roses in-between the camembert triangles we placed at the beginning.

After that, add the prosciutto. This meat, you will fold loosely, four times. It kind of looks like a flour as well. Start placing the prosciutto on the bottom, where the parmesan cheese line starts and go all the way up to the bowl next to the camembert.


Finally, add ons. In this case I didn’t want my crackers to get soft and moist so I placed them in their package. One on each side.

Add some fruits! In this case I chose strawberries and pears. The pear is a perfect match for blue cheese. Start with the strawberries, a few right next to the camembert and a few more between the blue cheese and one of the bowls. You don’t need to cut or slice them, that depends on your preference. Add the pear, you will be using two pears. Slice one them into thin slices and the other one, in half, horizontally. Place the slices between the prosciutto and blue cheese and a few more behind the block of blue cheese. For the whole pear, place it on the other side of the blue cheese, between the cheese and crackers.

Finally, fill up the spaces with pretzel crackers and walnuts. Also, fill up the bowls with your jams. Add a last touch with some fresh rosemary for some extra color.

and DONE! what did you think? this Charcuterie Box es great. Great for any type of plan you have!

Are you going to make a picnic box like this?