I’ve always been an absolute FAN of sweets. I remember when I was little we would go buy ice cream and while my little sister asked for lemon ice cream, I asked for banana split. A perfect combination of banana ice cream and creamy, delicious dulce de leche. Really now that I think about it, all I want is to go to my hometown’s best ice cream parlor and order a kilo of that delicious ice cream. It takes me to my childhood. Now, let’s combine that flavor with today’s fudge squares.

I love the desserts that come from the brazilian brigadeiro. It’s great how with so few ingredients you can do so many things. All brigadeiros are based on condensed milk. Using that base you’ll add the flavor and some stabilizing element. Either butter, or egg yolk for example. In this case, the base of the brigadeiro, just like the ice cream, is banana. To that gorgeous base add a bit of dulce de leche brigadeiro and creamy dulce de leche.

Before I continue talking about this beautiful dessert, I’m going to link some of my favorite brigadeiros in case you are interested.


Let’s start with the base. The base of this dessert is a banana brigadeiro or fudge. The combination of condensed milk, banana and butter is truly one of the richest most delicious one I’ve tried so far. I really couldn’t stop eating what was left in the pot or spoon. We then add vanilla cookies to that banana fudge. Once that is in the mold where you are going to let them cool, you’re going to add dulce de leche on top. The amount you want. It doesn’t have to be too much nor too little.

On top of that beautiful dulce de leche, add the dulce de leche brigadeiro also mixed with vanilla cookies. That should cool completely in the fridge and you can cut it into squares and cover it with powdered milk or regular sugar. Crazy good I promise.


banana split fudge recipe easy recipe for dessert. two flavors of fudge combined into one with cookies and extra dulce de leche

The banana: For the banana to really reach its full flavor potential, how ripe the banana is, is really important. The ideal ripeness is when it’s turning brown. In cakes and other recipes with bananas, you want it to be the sweetest it can possibly be. For this recipe, we can use the banana when it starts to have those little black spots on the skin. You only have to puree it and it’s ready for the banana split fudge.

Portions: I use two small ceramic containers to keep the squares on the thicker side. Once cold, I cut each fudge in the container into 6 equal pieces and shape them with my hands of the sides before covering with powdered milk or sugar. In total there are 12 small squares. If you want to make them bigger or smaller, just cut them up in the size you prefer.

Let it rest: To take it to the fridge, cover it with plastic wrap but make sure that the plastic wrap is touching the fudge. This is important so that a thick layer does not develop on top of the fudge.


Frying pan: Or a saucepan to make the fudge in. I used the same pan for the two flavors of fudge in this banana split fudge recipe, washing between each recipe. You can use a different one for each one as well.

Silicone spatula: To stir the fudge. Its important that you stir constantly while the fudge is cooking so it doesn’t burn on the bottom.

Container: I used two small rectangular containers but it’s not absolutely necessary. You can use the one you like or the one you have. Don’t use one that is too big because your fudge might turn out be too thin.

Plastic wrap: To cover the banana split fudge while it cools in the fridge.

Yield: 12 Small squares




  • 1 Can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 1/2 Medium bananas
  • 1 (large) tablespoon dulce de leche + extra for the center.
  • 14 Vanilla cookies
  • Powdered milk or sugar to cover the squares
  • 2 Tablespoons butter + extra for containers


  1. Add 1/2 can of condensed milk to a pan with a tablespoon of butter and the mashed bananas.
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. It's done when you put the pan a little on its side, all the mixture separates from the bottom without the help of the spatula.
  3. Once it's ready, add 7 broken Maria cookies. Stir to completely cover all. Move to the previously buttered container. Press a little bit with the spatula so that all the spaces are covered.
  4. Add a little dulce de leche on top of that layer of banana fudge.
  5. Make the second fudge by mixing the other half of the condensed milk with a tablespoon of butter and the large tablespoon of dulce de leche. Cook in the same way as the banana fudge.
  6. Add the remaining 7 Maria cookies in pieces and stir until completely covered. Spread over the banana brigadeiro until all the spaces are covered.
  7. Cover with plastic wrap and let cool completely. Cut into 12 equal squares and cover with powdered milk or sugar.