Ohh my, let me tell you abut this recipe. As I was taking the photos for the blog all I wanted to d was eat all of them. The flavor combination of tart base with serrano ham and the strong flavor of brie with the sweetness of the apple and honey is just perfect.

I think this is a great recipe to share around the holidays because its easy ad quick to make. Even though the holidays look different this year for most of us because of covid and quarantine, at lest with our close family we can make a night out of it and enjoy christmas and new years.

This year, my christmas and new years day looks a bit different. I moved to Ecuador a couple of months ago. I was supposed to move in March, but with the pandemic and all the airports closing their doors we couldn’t move. Since we just got here, we decided to stay for the holidays. This does not mean that I want to skip the holidays just because I’m not spending them with my family in Paraguay. No sir! I LOVE christmas and I write in all caps because i really really love it. I love everything about it, the movies, the food, the candles and smells, the family traditions, everything! So, I decorated a small christmas tree at my new home, hung the stockings and bought the gifts. Why am I telling you all this? Because, since I am determined to celebrate the holidays, this means I will be making yummy food as well and this recipe is so easy and quick, that even me and my husband will be making them for christmas eve.


Mini cupcake pan: You want these to be bite sized. You’ll want to eat a dozen but making them bite sized makes them easier and fun to eat.

Knife: You’ll be cutting the brie and ham into small pieces. You won’t be using that much of either in each tart, juts enough to create a great combo of flavors. Same with the apple and the dough.

Bowl: Either to serve or to finish making these gorgeous bites, place the honey in a a small bowl on the side with a honey stick. It looks beautiful.

Plate: Serve it in a plate or tray whatever you like!


The dough: The basic tart I use is not my recipe but I will share the link with you guys in case you want to make it as well. It’s pretty simple and it comes together pretty quickly as well. (Tart Recipe). Now, what I recommend doing is going to any grocery store and finding puff pastry dough. This will save you so much time and its just as good! Just cut it in equal pieces, place them in the mini cupcake pan, fill them up and into the oven they go.

The honey: If you are making these bites beforehand, don’t add the honey just yet. This way you can reheat them easily and add the honey just before serving or eating them.

Apples: I used red apples because they taste so sweet. I like how they go with the strong cheese and ham.

Yield: 24 Bites




  • 1 Package puff pastry 
  • 250 gr Brie cheese 
  • 1 Red apple 
  • 100 gr Serrano ham 
  • Butter or vegetable spray for the pan 
  • Honey 


  1. Preheat the oven at 350F. Butter the mini cupcake pan.
  2. Cut the puff pastry in equal squares. Around 5 to 7 cms tops. They have to be thin as well.
  3. Cut the apple in thin slices ( with the skin) and then those slices in small squares.
  4. Place the pastry squares in the cupcake pan leaving the corners to come out on the sides.
  5. Add a small piece of serrano ham, then brie cheese and finally two small slices of apple.
  6. Repeat with the rest of the dough and ingredients.
  7. Bake until pastry is golden brown.
  8. Serve with a drizzle of honey on top or in a bowl on the side for self serving.